Last week I celebrated my birthday. Not quite a milestone, but the big four-oh
is rapidly approaching. Birthdays tend to put me in a contemplative, reflective trance. Time's sweet, scary passage bodes its relevance through birthdays rather than a New Year. Resolutions weaken my resolve. But as I celebrate my
birth, I think about my life - what I've done, where I've been, and where I'm going.
Flowers from my dear friend |
I sat down with a few dear friends this past weekend, discussing everything from Facebook and perceptions to writing and the beauty of grey. Our conversations stimulate hours of contemplation, and often prompt an afternoon nap (due to deep conversation overload!). However,
this particular day prompted a to-do list. Not the kind of list that sits on a counter collecting dust but the kind that simmers on the heart and mind for years.
My pre-40 list (of the non-bucket variety):
- Feel better physically and mentally
- Get to Plot Point 2 in my novel
- Attend a writing retreat
- Strengthen my relationship with God
- Write daily (blogging, WIP, journaling)
- De-clutter my life and mind (prune away the people and things keeping me from being true to myself and God's call for me)
I can do this. Forty isn't
that scary...
Heather, It's been my experience that the old saying "You're not getting older, you're getting better," is true. Yeah, maybe physically it is not quite so great but in every other way it is easier and more fun, I promise. This is a great list to see you through to the big 4-0!
Thanks, Charlotte! I want to make this the year of ME. Selfish? Maybe. Necessary? Yes! Thanks for being someone who inspires and encourages. :)
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